Here you will find our latest works, company news and more. We update it on a regular basis so be sure to come back soon. Please like, share, pin or tweet the post you enjoy.

New Logo and Identity Package for Gabrielle Hunt Photography

Posted on November 15, 2013

Gabrielle Hunt Photography, a photography studio based out of Issaquah, WA, recently hired Visual Lure to design a new logo and identity package. They requested that the new logo be clean, simple and modern. You can see the new logo and identity package below, along with our favorite logo that was not selected. It is a monogram that creates both the letter”G” and the letter “H”.

If you are a photographer, or any type of business owner, and you are looking to brand or re-brand your company – contact us today!ย  We would love to learn more about you and your company and then design a logo and brand that reflects it properly.

gabrielle hunt photography logo

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Website Design for Denver, CO Framing & Remodeling Company

Posted on November 13, 2013

Visual Lure was recently hired by a WordPress development company to design a new custom website for Van Dyk Construction, a Denver, CO based construction company.

Van Dyk has two different divisions, one specializing in residential and commercial framing and the other in residential remodeling, so we designed them a custom landing page that branches off into two different sections of the website. Although each division uses the same design structure, they are actually two different WordPress themes, one designed in red (for remodeling) and the other in blue (for framing).

The new website features a custom projects admin section making it easy for the client to add, edit and remove featured projects. Below are a handful of the custom web pages we designed:


construction wordpress web design

landing page

remodeling wordpress web design

remodeling home page

wordpress web design construction

framing home page

custom portfolio wordpress web design

custom project page

portfolio details page web design

custom project details page

Learn more about our Word Press design and web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

New WordPress Website for St. Louis Metro East Non-For-Profit

Posted on October 31, 2013

Impact CIL (Center for Independent Living) is a St. Louis Metro East non-for-profit organization based out of Alton, Illinois.ย  Their core mission is to help empower individuals with disabilities to become as self-sufficient as possible.ย  They help them do this by providing services, hosting classes and programs, and through counseling.

The website was built so that EVERYONE could use the site, including the visions impaired.ย  The text throughout the website can be enlarged and the site can also be converted to high-contrast. This feature changes the background to black, and the text to white, which makes the site more readable for certain types of vision impaired users. The site was also built with reading devices in mind for the blind.

The website was developed in WordPress and features a seamless blog, an easy-to-maintain calendar and the text size/contrast converter mentioned above.


Impact CIL Alton, IL website design

Learn more about our Word Press design and web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

WordPress Web Design for Photography Editing/Post-Production Company

Posted on October 30, 2013

Visual Lure is in the process of completing a new website for EvolveEdits.com, a St. Louis Metro East photo editing and post production company.ย  Evolve was originally based out of Seattle, Washington but is now located in downtown O’Fallon, Illinois. It was co-founded by Sal Cincotta & Laurin Thienes and is now one of the country’s premier editing companies for professional photographers. Their services include retouching, photo selection, album design and high-end professional editing which transforms quality images into true pieces are art.

The new website was built in WordPress with a custom theme, seamless blog and a robust member’s section.ย  The member’s section ties directly into Evolve’s accounting and project management software using an API. This feature streamlines Evolve’s accounting/billing process, allows members to view their order history, and help remove TONS of paperwork and data entry for Evolve’s staff.ย  The new website is scheduled to launch on November 1st.

Visual Lure will also be providing Evolve with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.

You can see the new homepage design, blog layout and other key pages below:


home page web design for Evolve

St Louis WordPress web design for evolve

evolve web design of members login page

custom member interface web design


Learn more about our Word Press design, web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

Packaging Design for St. Louis Air Freshener Manufacturer

Posted on October 25, 2013

Our client asked that we remove this post. Please click here to view more of our packaging design work ยป

We can not stress enough the importance of quality packaging design. Having a quality product DOES NOT MATTER if the packaging doesn’t catch consumer’s eyes in a sea of its competition. If you are looking for professional packaging design, whether youโ€™re in the St. Louis, MO area or anywhere else in the country, contact Visual Lure for a FREE quote today.

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.

Custom WordPress Website for Minneapolis, MN Photography Studio

Posted on October 24, 2013

Visual Lure recently designed and launched WrigleyMcDevitt.com for a very talented Minneapolis, MN wedding photography studio.ย  The new website was built in WordPress with custom portfolio pages and a seamless blog.ย  We will be launching its sister site, a website dedicated to newborns, babies and children very soon.ย  We were also contracted to redesign their logo, so be on the lookout for that too.


Learn more about our Word Press design, web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

Christmas Card Design for St. Louis Metro East Engineering Firm

Posted on

We are approaching “that time” of year again, the time to design Christmas cards so that there’s enough headway to get them printed, signed, addressed and mailed.

Here is Visual Lure’s first design of the year, a card for TWM, a St. Louis Metro East engineering firm. The card features Santa riding his bicycle on the St. Clair County Metro Bike Link, a bike trail designed by TWM that runs through Belleville and Swansea, IL. To make the card a little more festive, we added a Rudolph the Reindeer crossing sign.

graphic design christmas card TWM

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.