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Full Page Ad Design for a Sonoma Pinot Noir

Posted on September 4, 2015

We recently came across a contest to design a full page ad for a Sonoma, California Pinot Noir called “7” on the St. Louis Egotist website. Even though we never enter design contest, or do spec work, we’ve always wanted to get into designing labels for beer, wine or spirits. This came somewhat close to that, so we decided to whip up a couple options. Since the name was based on the creators wife’s favorite number, and the cork reads: LUCKY YOU, we decided to play off a “lucky” theme. We wrote the body copy, four headline options and paired it with a design based off the label. We’re not looking to win the job, but a couple bottles of Pinot wouldn’t be bad.

wine advertising graphic design

Logo & Branding Package for Quebec Photography Studio

Posted on September 1, 2015

Studios Elysium Photographie is a Rigaud, Quebec based wedding and portrait studio offering wedding, family and glamour photography in the Vaudreuil, Montreal and eastern Ontario area. They recently came to Visual Lure to create a new visual identity. They requested that we incorporate a dragonfly into the logo as it has a special meaning to this husband and wife photography team. We did so by making it form the letter ‘t” in Studios.

Below you can see the vertical and horizontal logo formats, the sample identity/letterhead system, proposed packaging and a sample watermark. At the very bottom are two unselected logos that we really liked. The bottom right logo was a fleur de lis that also created a dragonfly. We thought this one was genius, but after speaking to the clients, they informed me that it would be controversial using a French symbol in their logo. I guess there is a dispute whether Quebec should be politically aligned and influenced by France. They didn’t tell me which they preferred, simply that they didn’t want their business logo to be controversial.

Studios Elysium logo design branding

Photography Logo Design & Visual Branding Package for Connecticut Wedding Photographer

Posted on April 30, 2015

Nick Benson, a very talented wedding photographer from Monroe, CT, recently came to Visual Lure for a rebrand. During the discovery stages, Nick was consistently referring to one of his wife’s favorite brands, Tory Burch. They both loved the look and feel of the brand and its popular monogram icon.

Inspired by the embellished block serif of the Tory Burch logo, we started sketching similar custom N’s and B’s. That’s when we came across a pleasant little surprise. While drawing a custom letter N, we discovered we could hide a very subtle B in the negative space of the N, similar to how the FedEx logo has the hidden arrow in between the E and the X. It may take a second or two to see it, but once you do, you always will.

At that point we quit sketching as we knew this would be the final mark. We usually provide anywhere from four to eight initial logo options, but for this one, it was the only option we presented to our client. Nick still wanted to see what else I had done but quickly agreed that this logo was it.

Below you can see Nick’s new logo in all its glory with additional format options, one with a shiny golden brass effect added to it along with some sample packaging. We think this mark feels very high-end and screams luxury, two of the main traits our client wanted his new logo to feel.

Nick Benson Photography Branding Package


View more of our photography logos & branding projects ยป


Laundry Detergent Package Design for St. Louis Area Manufacturer

Posted on April 27, 2015

Stellar Manufacturing recently contracted Visual Lure to spruce up a couple labels for their new line of laundry detergent. The store buyer, the person in charge of selecting what products will go in a store, turned down the initial labels that were designed by another graphic designer. Stellar came to us to develop package designs that the buyer wouldn’t say no to, and we did just that. With only one minor round of revisions, the buyer accepted our designs.

The moral of this story is to hire and invest in a good package designer the first time around. Subpar package design is one of the main reasons products get turned down by buyers. Having visual pleasing, eye-catching packaging is critical in the success of a product. With all the other products on the shelf, yours needs to stand out, look professionally designed and give buyers an immediate sense of trust.

Below are the before and afters of the first two scents in Stellar’s new line of Bright House Laundry Detergents, Fresh Scent and Lavender.


…and here are our original designs, which we still feel are stronger:



Contact Visual Lure today at 618.407.9231 for a FREE package design quote. We would love to help you get your products past the store buyer and onto shelves.

Custom Art Deco WordPress Website Design for Maryland Photography Studio

Posted on April 24, 2015

Visual Lure recently launched a new custom WordPress website for Wertman Photography, a Hagerstown, MD photography studio owned and operated by Monika Wertman. Monika specializes in engagement and wedding photography along with portraits, including: families, children, babies, boudoir/glamour and high school seniors to name a few.

Monika’s logo was a type-based logo that used an Art Deco typeface and she wanted her new website to match it. So, we designed a custom Art Deco WordPress website for her inspired by a Great Gatsby movie poster. In addition to the new design, we also provided search engine optimization (SEO) services.

The new responsive website features a high performance slideshow, masonry style photo galleries and a fully integrated blog, all of which were setup to be very easily edited and maintained. Below are a couple screen shots of the new site. Please visit www.wertmanphotography.net to view the new website in its entirety.


wertman web design

Logo Design & Branding for a Pennsylvania Photographer

Posted on April 20, 2015

We had the pleasure of meeting Pam Baumann at this years Shutterfest. Pam is a professional photographer based out of Limerick, Pennsylvania. She originally started out as a nature photographer and is now focusing more on family and individual portraiture. When we met Pam she had no idea what she wanted her brand to look like. Since we were in the trade show area, I decided to start helping her define her brand by visiting the Photo Flash Drive booth. I asked her what style of zip drive or box was she drawn to. She walked right past the modern crystal drive, and the high-fashion alligator skinned boxes and went immediately towards the premium wood packaging. This was the start of defining her brand. We then discussed what large named brands have an aesthetic that she gravitates towards but she couldn’t think of any. As we walked through the trade show we were discussing the booth designs, that’s when she saw one she really loved. I can’t recall the name of the company, but the booth used worn corrugated metal, reclaimed wood, earth tones and had a very rustic look and feel, yet it still felt inviting and warm. She instantly said that was the direction she wanted to go. Once I saw that booth it reminded me of Timberland, the boot company, so I mentioned that brand to her and she agreed that it had elements she liked.

From there, we discussed what type of logo she wanted, a type-based logo, a monogram, a crest of some kind or one with an icon. Without hesitation Pam said she wanted an icon. We then talked about what the icon could be, as the best ones have some type of meaning behind them. The conversation started with Pam possibly wanting to use hills, a sunset with trees, etc. but I told her icons need to be simple. It then went into possibly using a camera aperture or shutter, which I hate to use unless it is incorporated in a clever and memorable way. We despise photography logos that use generic cameras or shutters, they feel so impersonal and cliche.

This led us to the discussion of possibly using a tree which is a great symbol for family. We talked about using a tree with her initials hidden in the branches, but she was not sold. The conversation then moved into using a leaf or leaves. By this time Pam’s visual brand was pretty well defined. It was natural, rustic and colorful yet warm. That is when it hit me, using leaves to create an camera aperture. I drew a quick sketch and Pam was instantly sold. My first concern was has it been done before, I searched a couple of the largest logo databases along with Google Images and found nothing. This made us both extremely happy.

Below in Pam’s new logo along with the beginning stages of her visual branding package, including sample identity, flash drive packaging, typefaces and color palettes.


Do you need help defining your brand and implementing a full identity package to match? Give Visual Lure a call today at 618-407-9231, we would love to help you find your brand.

Click here to view more of our photography logos and branding packages ยป


New WordPress Website for St. Louis Area Car Audio Company

Posted on March 31, 2015

Xclusive Autosound originally came to Visual Lure to search engine optimize their existing website, but after a review of the site, we found that the WordPress theme they were using was part of the problem. Even though it was responsive, it was slow, scoring in the low 60’s in sections of Google Webmaster Tool’s PageSpeed Insights. Xclusive was also having problems with plugin conflicts and missing image files. Simply put, the website was not ranking well, they were tired of all the headaches it was causing them, and they just wanted it done right. To remedy all these issues we helped Xclusive Autosound design, develop and launch a new custom, fast-loading, search engine optimized, responsive WordPress website. Below you can see the new home page design and the car audio & electronics landing page. Please visit xclusiveautosound.com to view the new site.

Xclusive Autosound is a Belleville, IL custom car audio shop that specializes in the installation of car electronics, automobile, commercial & residential window tinting and automotive paint protection film. Their car electronic products include remote starters, backup camera & sensors, mobile video & DVD players, Sirius XM radios, bluetooth and all types of custom car audio equipment.

Even though St. Louis is an entire river away from Belleville, a large portion of their clients make “that arduous trip” due to Xclusive’s reputation (it is actually only 17 miles from downtown St. Louis, MO to Belleville, IL). Their reputation was built by the consistent quality of their work, never taking shortcuts with any of their installs and their eye for detail. This is important because how some of these product are installed and integrated into your automobile are sometimes more important than the products themselves.

xclusive autosound's new home page web design

xclusive autosound's electronics website design

Are you having problems with your existing website?

If you’re having problems with your existing website, don’t try to fix them with another sub-par site. Contact Visual Lure today at 618.407.9231 or info@visuallure.com and we can discuss how we can help you build a solid online presence.