Full Page Ad Design for a Sonoma Pinot Noir

Posted on September 4, 2015

We recently came across a contest to design a full page ad for a Sonoma, California Pinot Noir called “7” on the St. Louis Egotist website. Even though we never enter design contest, or do spec work, we’ve always wanted to get into designing labels for beer, wine or spirits. This came somewhat close to that, so we decided to whip up a couple options. Since the name was based on the creators wife’s favorite number, and the cork reads: LUCKY YOU, we decided to play off a “lucky” theme. We wrote the body copy, four headline options and paired it with a design based off the label. We’re not looking to win the job, but a couple bottles of Pinot wouldn’t be bad.

wine advertising graphic design

Categories:Graphic Design,Misc.