One of our most difficult clients to please has always been ourselves.ย We have had the same website since 2004 due to multiple reasons. 1. We have been so busy taking care of our clients that it’s been difficult to find the time to fully take care of our own needs. 2. We as designers, find it hard to design for ourselves because we are so critical of our own work, plus we constantly like to explore new design aesthetics, and 3. Web design trends are constantly evolving and we find ourselves always wanting to utilize the latest and greatest ones.
However, there comes a time when things must be done – and for us – that time was now. What truly motivated us was the announcement from Google that on April 21st of 2015 they will be releasing a newย algorithm that will effect search results for websites that are not mobile friendly. As of January 2014 all the websites we design and develop for our clients have been done so utilizing responsive (mobile friendly) website design, but our site has yet to be completely converted.
Responsive web design is the practice of designing and developing websites so that they automatically transform to fit the screens of the devices they are being viewed from, including desktop computers, tablets and smart phones. This technique ensures that users have a great user experience no matter how they are viewing a website. For instance, font sizes may increase on the tablet and mobile versions so that users don’t have to zoom in to easily read text, and layouts may shift so that the content remains logically structured while increasing or decreasing in size.
Our current blog is responsive, but the rest of our website is not. We currently rank on the first page of Google for all our targeted search terms and we don’t want to take the risk of dropping due to this update. With that being said, here is a little sneak peek at some of our unused designs over the years along with our new design that is currently under development.ย Our new site will be built in WordPress utilizing a fully custom theme. The new theme will feature custom admin sections making it easy for us to update our portfolios. It will also have tons of cool CSS effects and animations. Look for the launch of our new website coming soon!
New Website Screenshots:

new home page design

new about us page

new graphic design/print portfolio page

new website design portfolio details page
Unselected Design Options:

the first runner up home page design

a cool home page design that didn’t make the cut
Is your current website not responsive or mobile friendly?
If your current website is not mobile friendly, and you are looking for a new web design company, give Visual Lure a call today. With a free website design consultation we can explore your options and provide you with a free estimate.