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Logo Design for St. Louis Metro East Excavating Company

Posted on January 14, 2011

Visual Lure was just contracted for a logo design and a website design for an O’Fallon, IL based excavating and landscaping company.ย  The company, Level It Excavating, specializes in sports fields, drainage, landscaping and all other excavating services.ย  Here are our initial logo design options.ย  We will post the final logo when it is complete.

initial logo design options for Level It Excavating

Getting closer with a couple more logo design options:

logo design Level It Excavating

couple more logo design options

…and the final logo design:

Level It excavating logo design

final logo design

Learn more about our logo design services…

Website Design for St. Louis Area Motivational Speaker & Author, Aaron Broyles

Posted on August 10, 2010

Visual Lure is in the process of branding and designing a new website for Aaron Broyles, a St. Louis area motivational speaker and author. The new website will be built in WordPress with some custom features allowing Aaron the ability to add and edit content easily. Check back soon for the live site, and as usual, here is a little sneak peek at the home page design below.

Aaron Broyles Website Design

Aaron Broyles Web Design