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Logos & Identity Design for Southern Illinois Agricultural Consulting Company & Insurance Agency

Posted on July 6, 2012

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design an identity package with two new logos, one for Lutz Agency, Inc., and the other for its sister company Agri-Business Services. The Lutz Agency is a full service insurance company that focuses on protecting farmers and agricultural entities, but also provides life, health, home and auto insurance to non-ag clientele. Since most of their clients are farmers, but not all, they wanted the new logo to reflect that, but in a subtle way as not to alienate their non-ag customers. Our solution was a crest/shield (representing protection) combined with fields on green and gold representing agriculture (the gold also represents sunlight).

As far as the new Agri-Business Services logo, they wanted it to be different, but complement the new Lutz logo, so we used the same colors, the same typeface, the same shield shape and slightly modified the field. To finish it off, we designed a simple custom farm illustration.


Lutz Agency & Agri-Business Services Logos

New Lutz Agency, Inc. & Agri-Business Services Logos

Lutz Agency & Agri-Business Services Identity Design

Lutz Agency & Agri-Business Services Identity Design

lutz & agri banner design

banner designs

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Logo Design for St. Louis Area Software Developer

Posted on May 8, 2012

Visual Lure recently wrapped up a logo design for RX for Print, a product created by a St. Louis area software developer. We were originally contracted to simply convert a typography based logo from Microsoft Word into vector artwork (and other electronic formats), but we ended up redesigning the entire logo.ย  The software tracks company’s/organization’s printers in order to conserve on printing cost and to track waste.ย  RX for Print really wanted to show that their software was “green”, so we came up with the logo design below. It features four droplets of ink that also create leaves. The droplets of ink of course represent printing and the leaves represent the “green” aspect of their software.

St. Louis software logo design

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

…and here is a sample of how we used the new logo in an introduction flyer:

St. Louis graphic design flyer

Email Marketing for St. Louis Based SongFreedom.com

Posted on May 3, 2012

Visual Lure has recently been helping SongFreedom.com with their marketing and promotional campaigns, including the email blast featured below. SongFreedom.com is a St. Louis, MO based music company that provides usage rights to popular music for photographers and videographers.

What does an email blast need to do? It needs to be simple, reach the proper audience, capture its reader’s attention fast and have a strong call-to-action.

Do you need help with your email marketing? Give Visual Lure a call today, we would love to help you.


St. Louis email marketing campaign

…and another eBlast/email marketing piece:

eBlast design for email marketing campaign

Graphic Design/Ad Design for SongFreedom.com

Posted on April 16, 2012

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design an ad for SongFreedom.com, a St. Louis, MO based music company that provides usage rights to popular music for photographers and videographers.ย  It provides these artist a legal and cost-effective way to use popular music in their slideshows, videos, and on their websites.

Print Ad for the St. Louis Regional Clean Air Partnership

Posted on April 13, 2012

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design a group of ads for the St. Louis Regional Clean Air Partnership (SLRCAP).ย  SLRCAP is a St. Louis based non-for-profit, fighting for, and educating individuals and company about the importance of clean air in the St. Louis region.ย  This year’s ads feature staggering statistics about the effects and consequences of air pollution. To learn more about what you or your company can do to improve the air quality in our region visit www.cleanair-stlouis.com.


Logo Design for St. Louis Business/Life Coach

Posted on March 13, 2012

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design a logo for St. Louis based business and life coach Rodney Mueller. Rodney uses his life experiences, including what he learned as an Army Drill Sergeant, to motivate and coach businesses and individuals. He wanted his logo to use chevrons (the inverted v-shaped military symbol used to indicate rank or length of service) to nod to his military background but in a subtle way. He also wanted the logo design to have a human element to make it more friendly and approachable.ย  We solved these design requirements by combining two chevrons to create a person as seen below. To learn more about Rodney and STL Coaching visit www.stlcoaching.com.

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

…and here is their new business card design:

St. Louis graphic design & identity design