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CD Packaging Design for U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America

Posted on June 19, 2013

A while back, Visual Lure was contracted by the United States Air Force Band of Mid-America (stationed at Scott Air Force Base) to design CD packaging for a new album dedicated to Clifton Williams, a famous composer and Air Force veteran.ย  The CDs turned out beautiful and we finally got around to photographing them.ย  They were printed on a nice textured uncoated card stock with Clifton’s signature embossed and foil stamped on the cover.

The cover design features Clifton’s signature, a collage made from three different images and a subtle classic border.ย  The inside covers have an additional photograph of Clifton along with some of his sketches and doodles.

The initial goal was to create packaging that felt vintage, and classy, and we think we succeeded at both.

U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America CD packaging design 1

U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America CD packaging design 2

If you are looking for quality packaging design, whether youโ€™re in the St. Louis, MO, the St. Louis Metro East or anywhere else in the country, contact us today!

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.

St. Louis Packaging Design for Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaners

Posted on June 13, 2013

A St. Louis Metro East manufacturer of automatic toilet bowl cleaners recently contracted Visual Lure to design its new packaging. They haven’t decided on whether to use the name Bright Bowl or Brite Bowl, and they wanted to have packaging design options for both.ย  However, once they reviewed our initial design options, they may utilize both.

Of their two main competitors, one uses blue packaging and the other uses green. They wanted their product to look completely different so they didn’t want to uses either of those colors. They also wanted their product to appeal to their main target audience, women, so we decided to use the color purple.ย  Color studies and research have shown that women like it.

Below are the two packaging design options we provided.ย  Check back soon to see if they use one design or both.

St. Louis package design for brite/bright bowl

If you are looking for professional packaging design, whether you’re in the St. Louis, MO area or anywhere else in the country, contact Visual Lure today.

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.

Logo Design for St. Louis Area Car Wash & Gas Station

Posted on June 6, 2013

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design a logo for Tidal Wave Car Wash, a new St. Louis area car wash and gas station currently in the planning stages.ย  The only creative direction we received from our client was that he wanted to use a tidal wave in the new logo. We came up with the initial batch of logos below, and underneath those you will find the final logo with and without a colored background.

The final logo features a tidal wave morphing into an automobile tire.ย  We think it is a pretty clever and memorable solution.

St. Louis logo design for Tidal Wave car wash gas station

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Update: Check out the finish branding package ยป

Photography Logo Design for Dallas Fort Worth Photographer

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Kristian Kapon, a Dallas Fort Worth (Texas) photographer, contracted Visual Lure to design a new logo and custom WordPress website for his photography company.ย  We would say that more than 95% of the time we nail logos down on the first round of options, or at minimum, we get a strong starting point to work with. Well, this was one of the rare occasions where it took a couple of rounds to get one nailed down.ย  In our discovery stage, we always ask our clients to provide us with some sample logos they really like. Kristian provided us with a batch of logos that could have been broken down into two different styles, some where simple and clean and others were more dimension with effects, bevels and shadows.ย  Since most of the samples where clean and simple we explored those options, but what he really wanted was something with a little more “bling”.

Below are the initial logo design options we provided Kristian (he did somewhat like one), and below that are the second round of options. At the very bottom you will see the final logo design.ย  Even though we added the 3-D metallic effects, we feel the mark itself is very strong, a monogram featuring two overlapping “K”s.

Check back soon as we will be working on his new custom WordPress website.

photography logo design for KK, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas photographer

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Two Visual Lure Logos to be Published in Upcoming Logo Lounge 8

Posted on May 21, 2013

Visual Lure just received the following email from LogoLounge, the most prestigious logo design publication in the World: “The judging for LogoLounge Volume 8, has been completed. We are excited with the exceptional quality level of work selected for this eighth volume. This was an incredibly competitive judging session with over 35,000 logos entered for consideration. We are also very pleased to inform you that your work has been chosen for inclusion in the new book by an international panel of judges. This years panel included, Mikey Burton of Mikey Burton Design & Illustration, Quique Ollervides of OLLERVIDES, Katie Kirk of Eight Hour Day, Fraser Davidson of Sweet Crude, Debbie Millman of Sterling Brands, Ty Mattson of Mattson Creative,ย  Mike Abbink of Wolff Olins, and Simon Frouws of Simon Frouws.”

The logos we designed for Tony Calarco Photography and Standard Construction Group were both selected for this publication.ย  These will be our 10th and 11th logos published in a LogoLounge book.ย  We are greatly honored to have been selected once again.


LogoLounge 8 award winning logo design

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Logo Design Upgrade/Cleanup for Florida Fishing Tournament

Posted on May 16, 2013

Visual Lure was recently contracted to upgrade/clean up an existing logo for Get The Net, a big game fishing tournament held in the Florida Keys.ย  All our client had was a low resolution photocopied version of the logo, so we redrew the fish, extended his body to fit the area better, and moved the “established in 1997” from the fish’s belly to the left and right of the illustration to fill up the blank space and to better balance the logo.

Below is the original logo the client provided us, and underneath that are all the formats we provided, including one, two and three color logo design options.

Get The Net logo design

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

St. Louis Web Design for Artur Express

Posted on May 15, 2013

Artur Express is a St. Louis based logistics and transportation company that serves the entire continental United States and parts of Canada.ย  Inc. 5000 ranked Artur Express as the 64th fastest growing logistics and transportation company in the United States last year. They also ranked them as the 29th top Missouri company.

Visual Lure had the pleasure of redesigning their new website.ย  We designed, and built, the new site in HTML & CSS and handed off all the source files to Artur’s programmers who are in the process of adding additional functionality to the site.ย  Here is the new homepage along with a sample inside page. Check back soon for the official launch of their new website.ย  In the meantime check out www.arturexpress.com.


St. Louis web design of Artur Express homepage

St. Louis web design for Artur Express subpage

Learn more about our web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

GRAPHIC DESIGN UPDATE: Visual Lure recently redesigned Artur Express’ corporate folders to complement their new website. Here is the new cover design:

St. Louis graphic design/folder design for Artur Express

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.