Here you will find our latest works, company news and more. We update it on a regular basis so be sure to come back soon. Please like, share, pin or tweet the post you enjoy.

It’s a Boy!

Posted on December 19, 2013

Visual Lure would like to introduce its latest creation, Benjamin Young Hong. Born on 12/10/13 at 9:10 pm weighing in at 5lbs 8 ozs and 19″ long.

Photo by Taylor Cincotta

Shabby Jack Photography’s Print Ad Design & Packaging

Posted on December 9, 2013

Visual Lure designed a couple of logos for Shabby Jack Photography a while back and they recently contacted us to design a new print ad.ย  They also developed new packaging, which they handled themselves, using the two logos we created for them.ย  It is always nice to see our clients implementing our logos properly and in such a high quality way.

Here is the new ad we designed for them:

graphic design print ad for Shabby Jack Photography

…and here is a photo of their new packaging system.ย  It features heavy card stock labels that have been custom die-cut,ย  laser etched and custom cut metal cards with elegant ribbon and beautiful textured boxes.

shabby jack photography packaging design

shabby-packaging3 shabby-packaging2 shabby-packaging4 shabby-packaging1

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.

Jeff & Jewels Photography New Website Goes Live

Posted on December 4, 2013

Visual Lure is happy to announce that the new Jeff & Jewels Photography website has gone live.ย  Jeff & Jewels Photography is a Denver, Colorado based husband and wife photography studio focusing on weddings, engagement, high school seniors, portraits and glamour/boudoir photography.ย  The new website was built in WordPress and features a custom portfolio admin section making it extremely easy for them to edit their galleries.

Jeff & Jewels are very talented photographers and their work has a vintage, yet modern and fresh feel which is the look we wanted the brand to reflect. Check out their website at www.jeffandjewels.com and like/share below if you agree.

Visual Lure also designed their logo and worked on their branding which was featured on one of Salvatore Cincotta’s CreativeLIVE appearances (click here to view that blog post).


Jeff & Jewels Photography Web Design

new home page design

Jeff & Jewels Photography Portfolio Web Design

new portfolio page design

Learn more about our Word Press design, web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

Logo Design for Atlanta Based Photographer

Posted on November 22, 2013

We are in the midst of wrapping up a new logo for Traci Reid, an Altanta, GA based photographer.ย  When we received her signed agreement for the project, we were immediately drawn to her signature and we decided to create a custom hand lettered logo inspired by it.ย  We modified it to make it more legible, as her ‘T” kind of looks like a “J” and her “R” was a little hard to read.ย  You can see both the logo and her actual signature below. Underneath that is her final logo with a sample color palette utilizing her favorite color purple.

Traci was having a hard time deciding between these two logos, so we asked her if she wanted her brand to be more friendly, personal and approachable or more modern, fashionable and luxurious. She decided on the later, so the more contemporary logo won.

traci reid photography logo design

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

New Photography Website for Crystal Clear Images

Posted on November 21, 2013

Visual Lure just launched a new WordPress website we designed for Crystal Clear Images, a talented group of photographers based out of St. John’s Newfoundland Canada. They specialize in newborn, children’s, portrait, engagement and wedding photography.ย  We also designed their logo a while back. You can view that project by clicking here.

The new website, as shown below, features a homepage with a custom administered slideshow and an automatic blog feed using featured images. The site was also built with a custom portfolio admin section making it extremely easy to edit and maintain.ย  In addition to the design, we provided assistance and guidance to help the client start to develop a solid long-term search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

If you are a photographer looking for a search engine friendly, easy to maintain, fully custom WordPress theme/website give us a call today.ย  We would love to help you improve your website and online presence.


crystal's photography home page design

crystal's photography blog design

crystal's photography portfolio design

Learn more about our Word Press design, web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

Website Design for WordPress Inventory Plugin

Posted on November 15, 2013

Visual Lure recently completed this “design only” project for a Colorado based programming/web development company.ย  The website is for a WordPress inventory plugin that acts like a shopping cart, but without the e-commerce functionality. We were simply contracted to design and layout three main pages and they would take it from there.ย  Here are those pages:


WordPress inventory home page design

WordPress inventory forum page design

WordPress inventory template page design

Learn more about our Word Press design and web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

Custom Illustrated Christmas Card for St. Louis Metro East Construction Company

Posted on

Christmas trees are going up, Christmas music is already playing on the radio, and it’s time for companies to get their cards designed or selected in order to have them printed, addressed and mailed out in time.

Here is another custom illustrated Christmas card we recently designed for Holland Construction Services, a St. Louis Metro East construction company that provides general contracting, design build and construction management services.

While we were sketching initial concepts, we decided we wanted to somehow tie the star of their logo into the actual design. Using negative space and a dithered silhouette, we created a Christmas tree with the logo’s star topping it off. We feel the design is clever, subtle, simple and classy. Share or like it below if you agree.


custom illustrated Xmas card design

Learn more about our graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our graphic design portfolio.