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Logo & Package Design for a St. Louis Supplements Company

Posted on November 10, 2016

2nd Impact is a St. Louis, Missouri based supplement and nutrition company that produces a superior line of Whey Protein and Creatine products. They use the most expensive, highest grade ingredients to produce a premium line of supplements. They initially came to Visual Lure for a logo, and after completion of that, they immediately engaged us to design all their packaging. See the progression of the logo and packaging below.

2nd Impact provided the exact colors they wanted and requested a simple text-based logo. Here are the initial logo design options:

2nd Impact logo design round 1

…and here is round 2 of the logo…

2nd Impact logo design round 2

…and here are the final logos in both color and black and white:

2nd Impact final logos

Once the logo was completed we immediately went into designing the packaging as they wanted to get into production right away. Here are the first two design rounds of the package design:

2nd Impact packaging design options

…and here are all the final labels for their initial product line:

2nd Impact Packaging Design All

View the entire branding package here »

Click here to view our entire package design portfolio, or click here to learn more about our packaging design services.

 For a package design quote, please call 618.407.9231 or email us at info@visuallure.com.