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Logo Design Package for Annapolis, Maryland Photographer

Posted on March 1, 2013

Visual Lure was recently contracted to design multiple new logos for David Hartcorn Photography.  David Hartcorn is a very talented professional photographer from Annapolis, Maryland and he knew exactly what he wanted for his new logo.  He wanted a custom typeface logo inspired by his actual signature.  Below you can see his actual signature along with the final logo.  The new logo needed to be refined so that it was legible, but still maintain the same “feel” as his signature.

Next, we designed a logo for David’s premier photography line called Black Label Collection. He wanted the Black Label logo to look classy and high-end.  You can see that logo design below along with an unused logo option to the right of it. Below that, you can see a logo for his sub-brand Studio 98 Photography and a secondary “cartoon” mark he sometimes uses with his signature.


photography photographer logo design for David Hartcorn

Learn more about our logo design services and don’t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.