Logo Design for New York Photographers Specializing in Boudoir Style Photography
Visual Lure was recently contracted to design a new logo for Boudoir Rocks, a New York team of photographers that specialize in boudoir style photography. They really wanted the new logo to have a hidden meaning or a symbol that was integrated into the design somehow. They also wanted a separate design element that they could use as a watermark. Below are our initial logo design options that we provided to our client. All the logo designs show horizontal, vertical and watermark options.
The logo design below features a “tattoo style” heart and arrow that create the letter B. We figured what is more “rock” than a tattoo, right? Both the typefaces used in “boudoir” and “rocks” where hand drawn and converted into vector art.
The next logo features a brassiere that creates the letter B. We custom illustrated the bra so that it complemented the style of the typeface:
Our final logo design option features a simple monogram made out of the letters B and R:
Check back soon to see which logo they choose. Learn more about our logo design services and don’t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.
…and the final logo in all its glory:

final logo design