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Letterpress Business Cards for Salvatore Cincotta Photography

Posted on March 13, 2010

Salvatore Cincotta Photography came to us to design their new business cards. They wanted something different, high-end, something that would stand out from your average business card, so here is what we came up with.ย  The cards will be letterpress printed on extra-heavy, uncoated, black paper with silver ink and a spot gloss varnish.

Salvatore Cincotta Photography Letterpress Business Cards

Goshen Education Consulting Logo & Identity Design

Posted on

Here is the final logo design and identity package for Goshen Education Consulting. The logo mark is made out of overlapping books which form a star and a flower. The star represents guidance and enlightenment, and the flower represents growth.

Goshen Education Logo & Identity Design

Goshen Education Logo & Identity Design

Below are the other two logo design options we provided. In our discovery stage, the owner mentioned he had used the lighthouse as a symbol in the past and wanted to explore that option, so we came up with the logo on the left, which is a lighthouse combined with a Greek column. The column represents the educational industry, and the lighthouse represents the company and how it “guides” educational institutions to โ€œenlightenmentโ€ through consulting.ย  The logo design option on the right is simply a book with a bookmark, that when combined, forms the letter “G” for Goshen.

Unused Goshen Logo Design Options

Unused Goshen Logo Design Options

Complete Rebrand for a St. Louis Metro East Photography Studio

Posted on March 11, 2010

Visual Lure is in the process of completely rebranding a St. Louis Metro East photography studio.ย  The name of the company is, or should we say was, Country Photos. The first thing we did was recommended a name change. We believed the name Country Photos could possibly turn off some potential clients with notions of rural imagery. The owner still wanted to keep the rural/rustic vibe but simply appeal to a large audience, so we recommended numerous names and decided on Woodlands Photography. Design services will include: logo design, identity design, website design, packaging, direct mail and more.ย  As usual, here is a little sneak peek. It is our proposed website design (with a proposed logo design too):

proposed Woodlands Photography website design

proposed Woodlands Photography website design

Proposed Web Design, Look 2

Second Proposed Web Design

second proposed web design option

Proposed Jackrabbit Packaging Design

Posted on December 8, 2009

We are still working on some other packaging design options, but here is our initial proposed package designs. Check back for more to come…

We are also working on a tagline and have came up with two we like. Which one do you like better?ย  “Get Jacked” or “Bounce Back”?ย  Please provide your tagline feedback by clicking the comments button below.


Proposed Jackrabbit Energy Chews Packaging Design

2nd Jackrabbit Packaging Design Option

2nd Jackrabbit Packaging Design Option