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Fun Logo Design for a Fisheye Photo Booth Company

Posted on May 15, 2014

Visual Lure just wrapped up thisย newย logo for Fisheye Booth, a West Virginia photo booth company that takesย fun event photos using a fisheye lens. Since the photos areย playful and hilarious, they wanted a “fun” logo that would stand out and be memorable. ย Below is the new logo design and identity package weย delivered.

The logo features a fish with a camera shutter eyeball, all slightlyย distortedย in the same way as the photo booth images. ย The fish is also carrying a cane and wearing a bow tie and top hat as the booth will most likely be used at weddings and other formal events. ย Those elements were also added because the booth will supply funny props such as glasses, hats, and other accessories to enhance the experience and the images.

fisheye photography logo design

Learn more about ourย logoย andย graphic designย services and donโ€™t forget to check out ourย logo portfolioย andย graphic design portfolio.

Branding a Miami, FL Wedding Photographer/Videographer

Posted on May 14, 2014

Leonardo Volturo, a very talented photographer andย videographer from Miami, FL recently contracted Visual Lure to re-brand his engagement and wedding photography studio.ย  The branding package included a new logo, a business card design, a print ad and a new custom, responsive designed WordPress website and blog.ย  The new website features a Pinterest style masonry portfolio with a pop-up slideshow and an infinite scrolling blog.ย  We will also be providing search engine optimization (SEO) services as they were having a hard time getting their existing website to rank in the highly competitive “Miami wedding photographer” search results.

The new website is currently in the development stages and should launch later this month, so check back soon to see the new site. In the meantime, check out his current website at www.leonardovolturo.com.

logo and website design for LV photography

Do you need help branding, or re-branding, your photography studio, if so, you have come to the right place. Give Visual Lure a call today at 618.407.9231 for a FREE branding consultation.

Learn more about our logo design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio.

Learn more about our Word Press design, web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

New Logo and Identity Package for Iowa Photographer

Posted on May 9, 2014

Visual Lure recently completed a new logo and identity package for Brune Photography, owned by Kathie Brune, one of the photographers we had the pleasure of meeting this year at Shutterfest.ย  Kathie wanted a handwritten script used in the logo along with a set of wings.ย  She also requested to use the color purple.ย  Both the wings and the color purple had a deeper meaning for her and her family.

Below you can see the final logos, both vertical and horizontal options, and below that is the new identity package (letterhead, envelope and business card design).

brune photography logo design

Learn more about our logo and graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio and graphic design portfolio.

Logo, Identity & Packaging Design for St. Louis Metro East Photographer

Posted on May 6, 2014

Niche Photography, a St. Louis Metro East photography studio owned by the talented Chad Keffer, recently came to Visual Lure to help re-brand his company.ย  Niche main focus is on engagement and wedding photography but they have recently been dabbling into baby and children’s photography too.

Chad’s old logo consisted of a common handwritten script that seemed a little generic. He wanted his new logo to feel rich and upscale.ย  During our creative brief we asked Chad to provide us with sample logos that he really liked. Many of the samples he provided us were very ornate, so we decided to head in that direction.

Below is the final logo, the final letterhead system and initial packaging options, which we are currently working on.ย  We may also be designing Niche a new website, so check back soon to see how we start to visually pull his entire brand together.ย  In the meantime, check Niche out at niche-photography.com, or facebook.com/NichePhotographySTL.


Learn more about our logo and graphic design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio and graphic design portfolio.

On a side note, Niche recently photographed my son Benjamin.ย  Here is my favorite photo from that session:

benjamin photography

Complete Branding Package for St. Louis Semi-Truck Leasing Company

Posted on May 5, 2014

Visual Lure recently completed a branding package for Profit Leasing, a St. Louis, MO semi-trailer truck leasing company.ย  The owners wanted the logo design to have an icon of some sort that represented money and profit.ย  The logo we designed consists of a wing that was inspired by a fan of hundred dollar bills.ย  The wing represents speed and motion for logistics and the fannedย hundred dollar bills represents money and profit.

Below you can see both the vertical and horizontal logos, the truck graphics, pocket folders, sample inserts and one of their new posters/ads.


Learn more about our logo design, graphic design and web design services and donโ€™t forget to check out our logo design portfolio, graphic design portfolio, and web design portfolio.

New website launched for St. Louis Metro East Auctioneering & Real Estate Company

Posted on April 28, 2014

Visual Lure recently re-designed and launched AdamsAuctions.com. Adamโ€™s Auction and Real Estate Services, Inc. is a full-service auctioneering and real estate company located in the St. Louis Metro East, serving Illinois, Missouri and nationwide. Their auctioning categories include real estate, estates & consignments, bankruptcies & business liquidations, railroad/industrial and charity events.

Adam’s recently had their website re-designed by another company just this year, but it could not be found on search engines, it did not match their brand, and customers complained about it not being mobile and user-friendly. So Adam’s Auctions contracted Visual Lure to get it done right.ย  The new website (built in WordPress) is now simple to use, a responsive design that makes the site look and function great on desktop computers, tablets and smart phones, and it ties seamlessly into their very complex auctioning software making it easy for staff to maintain.

If you don’t want to have to re-design your website right after you’ve had it re-designed, then GET IT DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME by giving Visual Lure a call today.ย  All our websites are search engine friendly & optimized, responsive, aesthetically pleasing and quick loading for a great overall user-experience.



Learn more about our Word Press design and web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.

New Website Design for St. Louis Area Breast Cancer Charity

Posted on March 25, 2014

Swing Fore Hope, a St. Louis metro east 501c3 charity dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer, recently contracted Visual Lure to re-design their website.ย  Since its creation in 2007, Swing Fore Hope has collectively donated over $250,000 to the fight against breast cancer by funding cancer research and helping families with financial struggles due to this horrible disease.

Even though their existing website was created in WordPress, the way it was set up makes it difficult for our client to update.ย  We will be building the new site with custom admin sections solving their current issues, adding e-commerce so donors and tournament participants can easily donate and pay on-line, and we will be converting the website into a responsive design to ensure a pleasant user experience on ALL devices such as desktop computers, tablets and smart phones.

Below is our proposed home page for the new website design. Check back soon for updates and the official re-launch.ย  In the meantime, check out their existing website at swingforehope.org.

On a personal note, my mother is a breast cancer survivor, and we are always happy to help clients fighting for such a great cause!


Swing Fore Hope St. Louis web design

Learn more about our Word Press design and web design services, and donโ€™t forget to check out our web design portfolio.