Ditat Website
Ditat is a leading transportation management software company headquartered in St. Louis, MO. Their software is easy to implement, user-friendly, has tons of integrations to other leading technologies, and is web-based – so users never have to worry about upgrading and have access from anywhere they are connected.
We built this website in WordPress using a fully custom designed theme. The site features a sticky header for convenience navigation, our auto-feed testimonials widget, and a custom post type for partners. This allows Ditat to simply log into the admin, go to the partner’s tab, and add/edit/remove them. Once added, they are automatically fed into the Partner’s landing page. There is also a field to add the partner’s logo. These logos auto-feed into the partners footer bar which scrolls.
In addition to website design and development, Visual Lure also designed a new logo, an entire branding package, and provided search engine optimization services.
โ Related Projects โ
In addition to designing and developing Ditat’s new WordPress website, Visual Lure also designed the logo and an entire branding package. Projects included: business cards, letterhead, software and environmental graphics, brochures, company folders, inserts, social media graphics and more. See samples below: